Happy Halloween!! I seriously cant believe it has been so long since I have posted anything. I knew it had been a while but I had no idea how long till I looked back at older posts. Part of the reason is because of the lull in the months that dont have any holidays in them. The other part of the reason is because I finally had to break down and find a big girl job! Boy having a full time job really cuts into the crafting time!
I had every intention of getting my holiday cards in the mail in plenty of time for Halloween but time absolutely just flew by while trying to get into the groove of the new job so I didn't get them in the mail as early as I had hoped. I actually had them almost completely done several weeks ago but me running true to form hesitated to put the finishing touches on them and then I blinked and it was just a few days before the holiday.
I ended up making 16 of these little ornaments. I am going to call them #14 in the 25 motif challenge I found the pattern on tat-man.net and had downloaded it onto my computer and I am very thankful that I did because I went back to find it on the internet again and it keeps telling me that the server can't be found. I am super bummed because he had tons of super cute patterns and now it is gone. He had a pattern that I was going to use for my thanksgiving pattern so I ended up having to find another pattern. If anyone has any info on what happened to his site I would greatly appreciate it.
Each little cat ended up having its own little personality by the time I was done starching them. I sometime changed the counts and sometimes I tatted a bit tighter than others so each one looks a bit different. I didn't block them when I starched them so that made each one unique.
I hope everyone stays safe on Halloween
but have a spooky amount of fun!
Special thanks to Tio for helping me photograph the ornaments.