Sunday, April 19, 2020

Halloween 2019

Time is just absolutely flying by. I am still behind on my posts so I am going to continue to try to catch up on posting about past holidays. As I have said before I rely on my blog posts if ever I want or need to go back to previous tatting to remember what I have done.

I believe the next holiday that I need to post about is Halloween 2019.

I ended up making 13 of these doodads but I only sent 7 of them out. I would venture a guess that they probably got sent out late because that’s the way I usually do things (I am not  proud of that but I am really trying to figure out why I have such a hard time completing projects). That would also explain why only part of them got sent out. I found the pattern for the tatting on pintrest, it’s a pattern by L. Shelby and you can find it here. I changed the pattern a little bit because she has the pattern listed as a dragon and I wanted it to look like a bat. This was a pretty fun pattern to work but it’s one you have to pay attention to while doing it because its easy to miss a join. In fact, I made 2 of them that are unusable because I forgot a small ring on one of the wings and on another one I missed a join. I used artiste thread, size 20 and the color is called pewter.

I have sent out Halloween motifs for the last 4 years and I haven’t missed a year since I started tatting so I have pretty much ran out of patterns for this holiday. I found a witch hat by Gillian Buchanan that has a written pattern and a diagram but for some reason I tried it and failed dismally. I can’t seem to figure it out. I may have to try it again because I can’t find anything else. I haven't been doing much tatting lately because I cant seem to find something to tat. Since I didn't send out any holiday ones last year I am ahead of the game for this year and Halloween 2020 is actually the next project I need to make stuff for. I have been doing lots of cross stitch because I realized that I never made a birth announcement for our grand son (my husbands daughters son) that will be 2 in June. I had made one for his brother so I figured I should do one for him as well.  I also decided to make one for our new grand daughter (Jeez she will be turning 1 this month) and she has 2 siblings that I am working on as well.  These have kept me quite busy but it has been way too long since I have tatted and I am starting to really miss it. I need to find a project soon before I forget how! 

1 comment:

  1. And a tatted cape at that 😉 Cute card and good to be ahead !
